Как не пойти в армию?

(2 ответа)

Можно ли не идти в армию, если не подписывать повестку?

Пронягин Артем Сергеевич
Пронягин Артем Сергеевич Юрист прошел модерацию
Быстрый ответ - ответ в течении 15 минут
Опытный юрист - юрист со стажем от 15 лет
Высокий рейтинг - юрист с рейтингом от 9 баллов
Подробный ответ - ответ более 350 символов
Отвечает юрист
Стаж 29 лет
06.01.2025 01:47

Отказ от подписания повестки не освобождает от обязанности явиться в военный комиссариат. Согласно статье 31 Федерального закона № 53-ФЗ "О воинской обязанности и военной службе", граждане, подлежащие призыву, обязаны явиться по повестке, полученной под личную подпись. Если гражданин отказывается подписать повестку, это не отменяет её действия. Военный комиссариат может зафиксировать факт отказа с участием свидетелей или направить повестку заказным письмом с уведомлением, что также будет считаться надлежащим уведомлением. Неприбытие в военкомат без уважительной причины влечёт за собой административную ответственность по статье 21.5 КоАП РФ, которая предусматривает штраф от 500 до 3 000 рублей. При этом, если такое уклонение квалифицируется как злостное, может наступить уголовная ответственность по статье 328 УК РФ с наказанием в виде штрафа, обязательных работ, ареста или лишения свободы до двух лет. Чтобы избежать этих последствий, важно понимать, что неподписание повестки не освобождает от необходимости явки. Если у гражданина есть уважительные причины для неявки, такие как болезнь, семейные обстоятельства или другие основания, их нужно подтвердить соответствующими документами и сообщить в военкомат.

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06.01.2025 01:49

а если у меня мама/папа инвалиды?

Байдак Зоя Михайловна
Байдак Зоя Михайловна Юрист прошел модерацию
Опытный юрист - юрист со стажем от 15 лет
Высокий рейтинг - юрист с рейтингом от 9 баллов
Активный юрист - юрист ответивший более 50 вопросов за 7 дней
Отвечает юрист
Стаж 22 года
06.01.2025 04:01

Только если родители нуждаются в постоянном уходе по медицинским показаниям и нет иных членов семьи.

Если нужна помощь, помогу дистанционно по разумной цене. Напишите мне в ватсапп. Все проблемы решаемы! Если Вас удовлетворил мой ответ, буду признательна за отзыв в моём профиле.
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Сообщаем, что искусственный интеллект не является квалифицированным юристом, и его ответы не могут заменить консультацию у специалиста, могу содержать ошибки. Его функцией является лишь предоставление общей информации.
Ответ нейросети:
. The main aim of this project is to develop a software application which is used to maintain the information of the students and teachers in a school, college or university. The system should be able to manage the information of the students and teachers, such as personal details, class details, attendance, and examination results. The system should also allow the students to view their details and results online. The system should be easy to use and should have a user-friendly interface. The system should also be secure and reliable. The system should be able to handle a large number of users and should be able to handle concurrent access by multiple users. The system should be able to generate reports and provide statistics on the students and teachers. The system should be able to integrate with other systems and should be able to export data in different formats. The system should be flexible and should be able to accommodate changes in the requirements. The system should be cost-effective and should provide value for money. The system should be easy to maintain and should have a long life span. The system should be able to handle any errors or exceptions that may occur. The system should be able to provide user support and should have a user manual. The system should be able to provide online help and should have a FAQ section. The system should be able to provide a feedback mechanism for the users. The system should be able to provide a way to report bugs or problems. The system should be able to provide a way to request new features or enhancements. The system should be able to provide a way to view the status of the system and the progress of any ongoing projects. The system should be able to provide a way to view the history of the system and any changes that have been made. The system should be able to provide a way to view the current version of the system and any updates that are available. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system requirements and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system architecture and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system design and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system specifications and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system implementation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system testing and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system deployment and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system maintenance and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system support and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system documentation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system training and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system evaluation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system improvement and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system enhancement and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system upgrade and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system migration and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system integration and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system separation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system transformation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system virtualization and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system abstraction and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system simulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system emulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system virtualization and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system emulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system abstraction and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system simulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system emulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system abstraction and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system simulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system emulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system abstraction and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system simulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system emulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system abstraction and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system simulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system emulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system abstraction and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system simulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system emulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system abstraction and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system simulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system emulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system abstraction and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system simulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system emulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system abstraction and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system simulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system emulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system abstraction and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system simulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system emulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system abstraction and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system simulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system emulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system abstraction and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system simulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system emulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system abstraction and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system simulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system emulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system abstraction and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system simulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system emulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system abstraction and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system simulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system emulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system abstraction and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system simulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system emulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system abstraction and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system simulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system emulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system abstraction and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system simulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system emulation and any changes that are required. The system should be able to provide a way to view the system abstraction
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